Saturday, May 24, 2014

Assault Roam

Wolf: Assault Frigate

The battle started with a flash as my Wolf Assault ship dropped below the speed of light. Only Kendreth and Andie were already on grid, the rest of the fleet in warp behind me.

"Primary is Ahr-Eye in the Stabber Fleet Issue, repeat Primary is Ahr-Eye in the Stabber" Andie, our Commander called over comms.

Scanning the field their were three enemy ships, each more powerful than 3 of our number. Two Minmatar cruisers known as Stabbers, and one Heavy Assault ship, a Gallente Deimos class. The Stabber class ships were Military spec making them far more capable than the Civilian model. The Deimos needed no such modifications to be lethal.

"I need a point on Pee-Aye in the Deimos, keep your guns on Ahr-Eye"

Quickly I moved from my warp in point, locked up the Deimos and began a tight orbit, assisted by the additional Inertial Stabilizers I had recently fitted.

"Scram on Deimos" I reported.

Deimos: Heavy Assault Ship

There were more than 20 of us, each with a craft far less powerful than one of our opponents. The outcome was already decided in our favor, If our opponents stayed on field they would lose. The only variable was how many of us would be destroyed in the process.

The whole fleet was pouring fire into the enemy cruiser. Our weapon systems were the smallest available, but the target was overcome by the sheer number of strikes. Death by papercuts.

A bright flash briefly illuminated the battle. (Kill)

"Ahr-Eye is down, move on to Pee-Aye in the Deimos, but keep the other Stabber here!"

My focus was tightly aimed at the Deimos and as I carved a tight arc around its hull I failed to see that the other Stabber had moved in very close.. too close.


Instinctively my ship pulled up to avoid a collision. Immediately I was forced to turn back, attempting to keep my target within 8630 meters. If I moved further away my J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler would be ineffectual and the target could escape.

[[Current velocity is 1051m/s. You have 4 seconds to close orbit]]

Were I not submerged in my Hydrostatic pod, my body would already be liquefied.

I must have been the only one with a Scrambler pointed at the Deimos, and he had decided he wanted to leave.

The Deimos fired.

[[Wrecking hit, Shields disabled, Armor 87%]]
[[Cycling Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nano-paste levels Nominal, Armor at 57%]]
[[Penetrating hit, Armor 47%]]
[[Broadcasting to Fleet: Need Armor]]

"Fleet I need Armor, NOW!" I screamed, knowing full well that it takes over 8 seconds for an Exequror Logistics ship to target a Wolf Assault Frigate, plus Capsuleer reaction time. I assign some small part of the ships AI subroutines to pray.

[[Penetrating hit, Armor 27%]]

The fire raged, both in my ship and throughout the implants in my body. Everything was about to get very hot.. if only I would get closer, his guns would not be able to track my nimble frigate.

[[Penetrating hit, Armor 7%]]
[[Logistics locked on: Remote Repair incoming, Armor 27%]]
[[Glancing hit, Armor 12%]]
[[Optimal orbit achieved, Survival Index: Green]]

Apart from the gaping hole in my ship, I thought.

The fleet was all around me now. The Deimos went down, quickly followed by the other Stabber. We were damaged but without casualties. A success by anyones reckoning. (Kill) (Kill)

[[Remote Repair incoming, Armor 100%]]

"GATE GUU.... *static* ...UUUNS!!" Kendreth blared over comms. His sentence was punctuated by a bright pinpoint of light. Half the message came from his ship 2 kilometers away, the other half from his pod as it entered warp. His Keres frigate was torn cleanly in two.

He and I were first on field which meant...

[[Warning: Gate guns firing solution imminent]]
[[Wrecking hit, Shields disabled, Armor 17%]]

There was a heavy thumping sound, which was either my heart beating or the throb of my ships warp drive as I instinctively slipped away from the battlefield. There was a nice safe spot near the sun.

Dropping from warp behind me was Iorek, piloting one of the Logistics cruisers.

[[Logistics locked on: Remote Repair incoming, Armor 39%]]

"I just bloody fixed that ship!"

KD Out