Sunday, February 24, 2013

Asakai - We were there

KD floated in his pod of hydrostatic goo, just as his Buzzard class Covert Ops Frigate "Peepshow" floated in space. 100kms away a battle raged. The mass of ships present was causing local time-space to slow down. Plenty of time to tell a story.

Somebody had screwed the pooch.

Since the advent of immortality, capsuleers and hydrostatic pods the power that one person could wield was increasing at an astronomical rate. In smaller ships, a single capsuleer replaces all the crew, but larger ships still require some additional crew. The largest of these, Titan Class vessels, were roughly 14kms long and housed tens of thousands of crew. These massive ships are used to create jump bridges which allow large fleets to move around in a much more coordinated way.

Too much responsibility for one human. Eager new immortals rush to be trained to fly these behemoths. A new capsuleer can operate a Titan as soon as 18 months after graduating. Far too soon to appreciate the power that is being bestowed.

In this instance a Goonswarm Federation Titan pilot had failed to create a jump bridge correctly, leaving his titan stranded in the Caldari/Gallente warzone, without the support of the fleet he had left behind. Pandemic Legion, one of their most dogged enemies had quickly pounced to take advantage of this mistake.

Kielen watched as more and more super capitals from Goonswarm and their allies jumped into system. From the outset it looked like they would overwhelm their opponents with ships, a gambit that could potentially allow them to withdraw. Alas Pandemic Legion were able to amass an even greater number of ships.

The signatures of thousands of ships blurred together but Peepshow was equipped with the most advanced sensors an immortal could acquire. Tiny signatures of frigate and cruiser hulls, piloted by Sefem Velox members could be seen darting between the formations of battleships. A wave of pride came over Kielen as an enemy was finished off, locked down and scrambled by Sefem pilots. Today was a good day for the corporation.

As ship #2265 connected to the local communications network, Kielen turned his ship and warped out, never decloaking. The loss of non capsuleer life sickened him and his mission at this site was complete. All the details would available on Galnet later that evening.

Sefem Velox was there.